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Thursday with Larry

Click here to watch the recording of Thursday with Larry on May 14, 2020.


Click Here to join the 30 day Fitness Challenge!

A Message of Love to our ACS Students

Stay Healthy

Note from the Activities Department

Dear Students and Parents, 

It is important to recognize how vital it is to take excellent care of your body when big uncontrollable changes take place. This change can cause us to face disappointment, difficult to manage routines or stress, it is important that we pay particularly close attention to our nutrition, hydration, exercise, and sleep. 

At the Activities Department, we encourage you to make this part of your daily routine and therefore we have provided in this webpage resources and challenges that are categorized/grouped as appropriate for each grade level, as well as for adults to help model the matter. 

Advice for our Student-Athletes

Continue to be a great teammate. If you are able, reach out to teammates and friends to ask how they’re doing and whether they’re ok. The act of supporting and showing care for each other will benefit and strengthen both of you. Working on daily fitness challenges with your teammates can be an amazing way to connect. This also goes to all the fine arts and activities.’

Stay Healthy,

Activities Department

Here is your daily activity idea to keep your kids (AND YOU) moving and your BODY AND MINDS fit:


We've continued our ACS Likes to Move tradition by launching the #ACSlovestomove - the indoors version, to keep our community working out during the quarantine period.

A simple fitness goal and a little bit of planning you can get in (or stay) in great shape during this time. Fill out the form below each time you complete at least 30 minutes of exercise.  Each student/parent that successfully enters a minimum of 30 exercise sessions will receive a limited edition Fit Scorpion Club T-shirt & Certificate of Completion. Don't forget to attach your selfie to each submission to be featured on ACS's media and to be celebrated!!

Click Here to access.