The American Community School of Amman, Jordan, is a U.S. accredited, independent, non-profit, PreK through grade 12 school that offers a rigorous U.S. curriculum with an international and regional focus to a diverse, multi-cultural population distinguished by a supportive and cohesive community. 

Our Mission

ACS inspires individuals to become self-motivated learners and compassionate citizens who demonstrate respect, act with integrity, and seek intellectual growth in a culture of high expectations.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe students learn best in a safe and nurturing environment.  
  • We believe embracing diversity strengthens our community and enriches our lives. 
  • We believe well-rounded individuals are prepared to adjust to a rapidly changing world. 
  • We believe when students are actively engaged in the learning process, learning becomes irresistible.

Our Value Proposition

Our diverse and compassionate community supports learners to explore challenges and navigate perspectives through a comprehensive US curriculum while creating local and global connections.

Click on the profiles below to learn more.