We are a community of champions in the making, representing the school colors of black and gold and showing up to games with the same determination as our mascot, the Scorpion.
Season 1 Sports
- HS Boys Soccer AAC
- HS Girls Soccer AAC/SAISA
- HS Boys Volleyball SAISA/AAC
- HS Girls Volleyball SAISA/AAC
- MS Boys Volleyball
- MS Girls Volleyball
- MS Boys Soccer
- MS Girls Soccer
- MS/HS Swimming SAISA
- MS/HS Cross Country
Season 2 Sports
- SAISA Tennis Invitational
- HS Girls Basketball AAC
- HS Girls Soccer SAISA
- HS Boys Basketball AAC/SAISA
- MS/HS Swimming
- MS/HS Track & Field SAISA
- ES Scorpion Swim Team
- U14 Boys Basketball
- U14 Girls Basketball
Season 3 Sports
- HS Boys SAISA Soccer
- HS Girls SAISA Basketball
- HS Boys/Girls Badminton SAISA
- MS/HS Track and Field AAC